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Sleep apnea (or #apnoea) is a serious condition resulting in excessive daytime sleepiness which can affect concentration and potentially increase accidents. It also increases the risk of high blood pressure…

Posterior crossbites where the top back teeth bite inside the lower teeth are relatively common affecting up to ~16% of children with their baby or milk teeth. Crossbites seldom self-correct…

Claims of faster treatment are easy to make and we would all like this but is it realistic? In the 1960’s and 70’s Begg braces/brackets were very popular and were…

So what is the best way to treat an #open-bite (teeth not overlapping)? Open-bites can be very challenging to treat with #orthodontic #braces, especially when you are trying to avoid…

Protrusive or bucked top teeth are at a higher risk of trauma but how much is this risk and should you seek early #orthodontic treatment to reduce the risk? Kids…