Here in Australia, the Invisalign ‘invisible braces’ have become one of the most talked about orthodontic treatments available today. But how much does Invisalign cost? Find out from Dr Peter Miles at Newwave Orthodontics in Caloundra.
When it comes to the cost of Invisalign, treatment prices vary considerably depending on the severity of your case.
Minor cases with Invisalign start from $1900
On average, Invisalign cost is $5835 with payment plans available
During your Invisalign consultation with Dr Miles, he will assess your case and provide you with an exact quote for your treatment.
Invisalign Before and After Videos from Dr Miles
See other actual patient Invisalign before and after images and videos on our Google+ page here.
Celebrities and Invisalign
Did you know Justin Bieber had Invisalign treatment?
And it isn’t only Justin Bieber! Other big stars like Katherine Heigl and Halle Berry have also invested in Invisalign because the treatment is far more aesthetically pleasing to wear. Most but not all cases are suitable for Invisalign and Dr Miles can assess this for you.
Katherine Heigl and Invisalign

In this photo of Katherine Heigl, it could be observed that her two lateral incisors protrude slightly. It is not always noticeable in Katherine’s pictures but you can see when you look at old photos of her that she tends to smile without showing her teeth!

Although people may see a smile like this as only slightly flawed aesthetically, having crooked teeth can undermine your ability to floss between teeth and brush properly. Misalignment can also affect jaw functionality which could cause pain and sore muscles.
Katherine Heigl discusses her Invisalign treatment with Extra in the lead up to her big day:
Straighten teeth without braces with Invisalign in Coloundra
on the Sunshine Coast
Dr Peter Miles is a celebrated orthodontist who often takes part in the study of orthodontics. In May, Dr Miles discussed Vibration and Acceledent at the American Orthodontic Congress in San Francisco. He is currently conducting a clinical trial on the vibration appliance AcceleDent and will be releasing the publication later this year with the results from the trial.